This 2' x 3' photo, taken from my boat on Lake Superior, is printed on galvanized steel on a shaped support.

This 3' x 2' image of Lake Superior fog was shot from my boat and is printed on galvanized steel on a shaped support.

The Walk on Water series of photographs are shot out on Lake Superior from my kayak or sailboat. These are printed on galvanized steel on shaped supports.

A 4' x 2' image of the St. Louis Bay printed on galvanized steel.

This is the atrium at the Zeitgeist Arts building in Duluth, MN.

"Living Room" was a one-person show at Gallery 13, 811 LaSalle St., Minneapolis, MN. The animals are life-size, Corten steel, the panels, both freestanding and wall-hung, are each 4' x 8' plywood, painted in asphaltum.

"Living Room" was a one-person show at Gallery 13, 811 LaSalle St., Minneapolis, MN. The animals are life-size, Corten steel, the panels, both freestanding and wall-hung, are each 4' x 8' plywood, painted in asphaltum.

"Living Room" was a one-person show at Gallery 13, 811 LaSalle St., Minneapolis, MN. The panels, both freestanding
and wall-hung, are each 4' x 8' plywood, painted in asphaltum. They are part of an ongoing series called "Forest."

"Living Room" was a one-person show at Gallery 13, 811 LaSalle St., Minneapolis, MN.
The animals are life-size, Corten steel, the panels, both freestanding
and wall-hung, are each 4' x 8' plywood, painted in asphaltum. The wolf here is called "Grimm's Wolf" and depicts human view of wolf as predator: the Big Bad one.

"Living Room" was a one-person show at Gallery 13, 811 LaSalle St., Minneapolis, MN.
The animals are life-size, Corten steel, the panels, both freestanding
and wall-hung, are each 4' x 8' plywood, painted in asphaltum. This is Grimm's Wolf in steel.

"Living Room" was a one-person show at Gallery 13, 811 LaSalle St., Minneapolis, MN.
The animals are life-size, Corten steel, the panels, both freestanding
and wall-hung, are each 4' x 8' plywood, painted in asphaltum. Grimm's Wolf, here, detail.

"Living Room" was a one-person show at Gallery 13, 811 LaSalle St., Minneapolis, MN. The panels, both freestanding and wall-hung, are each 4' x 8' plywood, painted in asphaltum.

"Living Room," Gallery 13. The placement of the Forest panels give unexpected views of somewhat tongue in cheek "forest beings."

"Living Room" was a one-person show at Gallery 13, 811 LaSalle St., Minneapolis, MN. The animals are life-size, Corten steel, the panels, both freestanding and wall-hung, are each 4' x 8' plywood, painted in asphaltum.

"Living Room" was a one-person show at Gallery 13, 811 LaSalle St., Minneapolis, MN.
The animals are life-size, Corten steel, the panels, both freestanding
and wall-hung, are each 4' x 8' plywood, painted in asphaltum. Here is the other wolf, seated, keeping an eye on the deer.

"Living Room" was a one-person show at Gallery 13, 811 LaSalle St., Minneapolis, MN.
The animals are life-size, Corten steel, the panels, both freestanding
and wall-hung, are each 4' x 8' plywood, painted in asphaltum. Another component of "Living Room" was a group of Lake Superior water images printed on steel, glimpsed here.

"Living Room" was a one-person show at Gallery 13, 811 LaSalle St., Minneapolis, MN. The animals are life-size, Corten steel, the panels, both freestanding and wall-hung, are each 4' x 8' plywood, painted in asphaltum.

These are images of the surface of Lake Superior, which I shoot with a digital Nikon from my boat. I have a kayak and a small Cape Dory sailboat that I take out into the lake and shoot water images from. I collect only images of the water surfaces, trying to show what the water looks like as itself only, not as a scenic or picturesque item in the image repertoire. The water images can be seen at walkonwaterannklefstad.blogspot.com
In this incarnation the images are digitally printed on galvanized 18ga. steel and bracketed to the wall. They fall in a natural curve.

Walk on Water images in a show at Central Lakes College, MN.

An exhibition of Forest as an installation at University of Wisconsin River Falls gallery.

Floating Mountain is part of a series of "Mountain" works that I did at St Johns Pottery while on a Jerome Foundation residency. I was interested in sculpture that levitated, and in bells. This work was shown in a group show at the Tweed Museum of Art in Duluth.

Detail from an exhibition of Forest at the Duluth Art Institute gallery.

Maquette for public project at University of Nebraska, Lincoln campus.

A collaborative project with Jeffrey Kalstrom for the Botanica show at the Tweed Museum of Art, Duluth, MN. It is a playfully surreal version of the famous Rapunzel story. "Rapunzel" is type of radish, one of the very first spring vegetables, and gives a clue to the origins of the story in myths of fertility and fecundity. In this depiction, the radish herself is perched high in a tower, sprouting rivers of golden hair as evidence of a magical link to the goddess. The piece is 9' tall, the tower is painted wood, internally lit; the radish is fired white stoneware, tinted with paint; the hair is unravelled hempen rope. This show, curated by Peter Spooner, toured a number of museums.

This work, a collaboration with Jeffrey Kalstrom, was made for a show called "Appliance" at Northland College in Ashland, WI. The themed group show looked for interpretations on the word. We thought it would be interesting to think of prostheses that would give humans new abilities, and made these deer stilts that enabled us to take very long steps, see far, and leave deer footprints. They are carved of basswood and painted.

Deer Stilts in action.

The Red Room was done as a collaboration with Jeffrey Kalstrom for Intermedia Arts' Art in Space program. We created this large two-part installation to explore all aspects, metaphoric, visceral, and literal, of the color red. We called on community members to donate red items and compiled lists of what people associate with red, from Communism to anger to Santa to red willows, to blood and life and Mustang cars and foxes and deer. There is a small house sheathed in red-dyed cheesecloth scrim and a "back yard" that depicts a modernist forest in low lighting.

Red Room interior. There were dioramas in the cupboard, the windows, and the oven.

Red Room "exterior" shot. Deer, fox, suspended animal carcasses, "trees".